Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mostly Fingerprints Part 5

It seems as I tell this story, there are so many details of fingerprints that I am leaving out...but I may bog down the entire blogger website if I fill all of those details in! I just pray each time I write that I am doing God justice and that the reader can truly understand how victorious He is in our lives and in our circumstances. These entries would be completely different if He were not in control of our lives!! On that same note, just because He is in our lives doesn't mean we do not face the same trials and heartaches as those who are not Christians. We face it all, we just know in the end, with Christ...we win!!

Back to the story. It is May of 2008 and I am miserable in my marriage, simply put. How could this happen to us? We were SO passionately in love early on, we were both Christians, and we knew that the dissolution of marriage was not of God. What had happened? HOW could this be happening? Did God not see everything else that was going on? ( One thing I forgot to mention was that after Hollis was born, I began having severe joint pain all over my body. So battle was also physical!) Had I not had enough??? Apparently not, so there we sat...and the only reason in my head that I thought I was there was for my kids. Satan had blinded me into thinking I was completely finished with our marriage, which is odd because I felt so close to God with regards to other areas of my life but somehow satan had an entry point into our marriage as big as the Grand Canyon! The young lady at Family Coaching (which is a free Christian service that I would recommend to anyone and everyone for any issue you are going through) talked to us for a bit and then handed us both The Message/Remix. Our assignment before we came back to see her the next time was to write letters to God everyday that were at least 3 pages long, as well as randomly turn to scripture and allow God to use His words to speak to us. NOW...some of you may be thinking the random scripture idea is rubbish, just let me know and I will give you PAGES and PAGES of scripture where He has point blank answered my prayer in a way that was so direct that He might as well have been physically standing next to me speaking in an audible voice!
I still have my journals of letters to God and the scriptures that he led me to. My first journal entry is dated May 22nd, 2008. The very first scripture that God "randomly" led me to on May 23rd was 2nd Kings 13:5. "...The children of Israel were able to live at peace in their own homes". I knew from that very minute that we were right where we needed to be, God was going to heal our marriage, and there would be peace. He also told me again the very next day that He did not want divorce for Shawn and I. The scriptures that he led me to on May 24th was in Isaiah 1: God's right actions will restore her pentinents. But it's curtains for rebels and God-Traitors, a dead end for those that walk out on God. Again, I heard Him loud and clear. If I trusted Him and did not walk away from the hope He gives and His will that all things will be restored!
Joel 3...God is a safe hiding place...the sky turns black, the earth quakes and all the world seems doomed but my refuge is in God. He is my protection and there I find all I need. Wow...He was on a roll! I felt like my whole world had been crumbling, but I knew God was saying you are going to be o.k. and that He was all I needed!!
My 3rd verse for that day was Job 33:29-30 (if you have read the book of Job, you know why I cringed when I saw that is where I was reading from!) This is the way God works. Over and over again He pulls our souls back from certain destruction so we'll see the light-and live in the light. Wow only two days into this journey of letter writing and seeking God's direction through scripture and I was 4 for 4! Thank you God!!
Was our marriage immediately cured? No. But I had a hope because I had heard clearly from God. Because I was seeking Him, He was pulling me back from disaster, He was protecting me, we would be restored and there would be peace in our home once again.
This is kind of becoming like Friday the 13th sequels, I know...but look for Part 6 soon! This story isn't over!

1 comment:

  1. loving this sonya, so glad you are taking the time to do this. i need to be constantly reminded that God is in control of ALL things!!
    Donna L.
