Friday, July 9, 2010

Mostly Fingerprints Part 10

The new year brought a bit of hope. The lease on my Mercedes was up in March, so that would free up $1000 every month. This would eliminate some of the time I was having to spend every month making arrangements with the phone and utility companies to keep everything turned on. We could see a bit of a light, but then there was also the looming end to Shawn's business. He was concerned with his employees and helping them to find more business, as well as how he was going to provide for his own family. Again, my faithful God spoke to me on a day when the possibilities of the future seemed more scary than exciting. One thing that was continually my worry was our children and how this was going to affect them. He led me to 2 Samuel 14:11 "...As surely as the Lord lives...not a hair on your son's head will be disturbed." That same day God also filled me with more answers. Shawn had been talking to several different people about buying the entire business, or even just his end of the business which was the granite fabrication. I cannot tell you the countless number of conversations he had, the advice he was given by other successful businessmen, and how he was torn with what he should be doing. We had just sat and discussed several possibilities and options but God knew there was only one option and wanted to be sure we understood this. All in one day, this is what God shared with me:

Amos 9:12-13 ..."The LORD has spoken and he will do these things. 'The time will come', says the Lord, 'when the grain and grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested.' "
Introduction to Job ... Friends give answers that are technically true, but God wants us to stay in touch with His living realities.
Acts 5:27-32..."We must obey God rather than any human authority."
Job 6:24-27... Job was questioning his friends and their lack of specification. He was asking them to tell him the truth.
Hosea 12:1-14...Businessmen engage in freud. Return to God and don't give up on Him EVER!

God was very clearly telling us to focus on Him and what He says and not to place hope in what others were telling us to do. He was telling me once again that He will do what He has said, and to simply stay focused on Him!

So, we pressed on. Each day was definitely a gift because at any minute the bank could have chosen to shut it all down. Shawn was reluctant to take on new jobs and sign contracts he may not be able to fulfill if he no longer had a job. He had to look at his employees and tell them he couldn't assure them their job day by day, and yet they stuck by him. It all seems so much less taxing when I write it in blog form, but living it day to day was quite the test. However, I knew what God had said, I was hanging onto it tightly so that satan didn't steal my hope...and I was waiting for His word to come to pass!

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