Monday, February 4, 2013


I guess I have known for a while, on some level, that THIS road was on our map of travels.  While I would like to blame it on Dacia, I know even SHE is not good enough to take over God's plans for us and is only an instrument that He is using.  (A very beautiful instrument I might add!)  Her blog can be found at 

THIS road...what in the world does that mean you ask? Is it a physical location you can find on a map? I am not really sure, but I know it looks different than the roads we have been down.  Although I am not sure where it will lead and what the end will look like, I am sure of this...I am about to be wrecked.  How do I know?  Because I have prayed for exactly that.  Silly me.

One of my favorite times during the day is my quiet time with God.  I go to Him through prayer and scripture with GREAT anticipation of what He will show to me.  I record each day the scriptures that He leads me to, as well as what He speaks to me through the scriptures and through my time of being silent before Him and listening for His whispers. While I can look back over the past few years and see the beginnings of THIS road, it has never been more apparent  than in the past couple of months.  

"Then I heard the Lord asking, 'Whom shall I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?'  I said, 'Here I am.  Send me.' "  Isaiah 6: 8  

The Wreck begins. 
(or at least this is where I am becoming aware of the skid!)

Now, I can't say that on January 10th when God had me camp in Isaiah 6 that I understood why.  I remember texting Shawn and asking him about a song that was written based on these verses.  It is wonderful imagery of mighty seraphim covering their faces in God's presence, singing "holy, holy, holy" with voices that shake the Temple to it's foundation.  Isaiah begins to "freak out" not only because he has seen the King, but because he is a sinful man with filthy lips and filthy companions.  One of the seraphim, which literally means "burning ones" touches Isaiah's lips with coal and tells him his guilt is removed and his sins are forgiven.  Then the Lord asks who will go for him, and Isaiah responds that he will and asks the Lord to send him.  Hmmm...nice little story.

In the days to come my campsite would be in Luke 5, primarily in verses 31-32.  "Jesus answered them, 'Healthy people don't need a doctor--sick people do.  I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent."  When I say campsite, I mean build a fire and pitch a tent because you are staying there.  I shared with Shawn that I feel like God is wanting to use me outside of the church.  Let me interject here...I LOVE volunteering in my church and believe strongly that without volunteers Sunday worship would be difficult.  I mean, who would keep our kids among many other things?!?! There is definitely a need and a place for volunteers and I cannot see myself not involved in some area of my church!  I have directed preschool, coordinated childrens events, cleaned, prepared, taught...and I love it all.  I should have known this was coming, though.  I have not had clarity from God as to where I am to serve right now.  (If there is one thing you should know, in case this is your first interaction with me...I will pray beyond pray through decisions so that I know that I know that I KNOW I am doing what God wants me to do.)  Currently serving as a greeter, I know there are needs in other areas I would have previously jumped into...but this time I have been held back, divinely.  It has frustrated me a bit, and there have been a couple of times I've almost surrendered to a post only to feel the Holy Spirit's reigns pulling me back. 

 And so I continued to seek God, and was beginning to hear His voice with clarity. (I cannot explain to you how much I love this!)  I need you outside of your church.  I need you for the sick and the unchurched.  I need you to be involved with people who cannot or will not darken the doors of your church.  There were other scriptures that followed, and with each one His voice became louder.  Then, Isaiah 6:8 returns. 

In the meantime, I was lunching with sweet Dacia.  Her furlow from Uganda is quickly coming to an end and between birthdays and Santa my girls have collected books and shoes for the kiddos there.  The first lunch we had, Dacia shared her vision of a family coming to Uganda to share Christmas with the orphans.  

The Wreck will be continued soon...

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