Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mostly Fingerprints

I've learned over the past few years, that often times when God is moving it is most often evident AFTER He has left His fingerprints. Sometimes He leaves Godsized footprints, but mostly it is fingerprints that leads up to one large incredible picture!
Prepare yourself for some airing of dirty laundry as Shawn used to call it! This may be the first of several posts as this is a long story!
I am not altogether sure of where this story starts, but I'll start at the beginning of where it will mean the most to you! In 2005, God began moving and I had no idea where we would wind up. We always knew once our first baby was born that I would stay at home with her, but giving up my teaching salary...even as small as it was...would be rough. So, in 2000, I took a job at the doctor's office I had worked at during college. God provided pretty close to my teacher's salary and I just worked two days a week for a total of about 10 hours AND I was able to take Leagan to work with me from the time she was born until she was about 4 months old. this time, I didn't necessarily see this as God's provision. You see, I was not walking closely with the Lord at this time. Although we went to church every week, that was really where I left God I am sad and ashamed to say. Things had become very frustrating at the office, and so after praying about it I knew God was telling me to quit that job. WHAT!?!?!?! That was like the ideal situation...being salaried at $2,000 a month for 10 hours a week. Are you kidding me?? No, He was not kidding me.
So, I turned in my two weeks notice, but then made another choice without really praying through it. You see, from a human standpoint...we needed that income and I wasn't ready to trust God completely. Now, this will sound ridiculous from a money perspective...but I took a job working at a KDO program 2 days a week. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that going from $2000 a month to $300 a month was not going to be good...and it wasn't. We stayed behind on all of our bills and were simply in a mess. At the end of the first year of teaching at KDO I felt God telling me again to stay at home. this point, prayer had become a bigger part of my life. Not close to where it should have been, but much better than before. So again, I obeyed trusting God to provide. A few weeks later, I was offered my job back at the doctor's office but the Holy Spirit was telling me this was not a good idea. Shawn and I talked it over, and based on finances it was a no brainer but I couldn't help but feel like I would be taking the control away from God to return to a job that He had led me away from. I turned the job down, and within days received another phone call that would set our lives spinning in another direction. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. ...i'm along for this "ride"...don't keep us waiting too long!

    PS...I see that Jenn helped you "fancy up" your blog...I love it! I love her!!
